
Impressions of a Danish home

If we would ever move to Denmark I wouldn't mind living in a home like this. I really like the spaces and the features, they're so gorgeous. If you are thinking of moving there, check real astate agency Stadshem with loads of amazing houses for sale.



I remember when I was a little girl my dear Mum taught me how to knit. All I ever knitted was a scarf but my Mum knit me the most beautiful sweaters. Now years later I haven't got a clue how to anymore. Shame after seeing all these beauties online. But then again, I think I haven't got the patience for something like this....

                        Images: Pinterest


Today I love....

On a day like today, gloomy outdoors but cosy indoors, we watched a movie and later on I looked for some gorgeous pictures to post. I came up with these from Shelterness. You like them as much as I do?! Have fun of what's left of your weekend. :D


Christmas branches

This year I'm thinking of taking branches instead of a tree. And decorate them with lots of colourful ornaments and perhaps some ribbon. Still on the look out for cute things, but there are still a few weeks left. I'm so looking forward to decorate our home all Christmassy. Check out my inspiration. :D
                Images: Flickr and Pinterest


Wanna haves from Deens.nl

Ever since I am interested in interior I adore Deens.nl.
They sell all sorts of things, from textile to furniture from many different beautiful brands. Below my top 8.


Colourful sunday

I love colour, I need colour. As much as I adore the grey tones, I need to have colour around me. That's why these pictures below made me extra happy. Have a fab sunday y'all!

Images: Pinterest


*L*O*V*E* part four

Chillin' on a Saturday with my two fave men. Life is bliss. 
Have a fabulous weekend everybody out there. Enjoy to the fullest! Today our furry guy in the spotlight again....


So many things to see

Today a few pictures with so many things to see. It's like every time you take another look, you spot something new. I love pictures like that, they're so inspirational.

Images: My Ideal Home


Dreamy little lights

I'm really looking forward to Christmas, A LOT! Already thinking of how to decorate our living room and even what to eat. I'm sure it's going to be so lovely. These pictures with those lights inspire me a lot.

Images: My Ideal Home


To give & to get

Maybe you just feel like spending a bit of money. Or maybe you're already making your Christmas wishlist... Either way, you must take a look at Not on the High Street. Founders Holly Tucker and Sophie Cornish brought countless of gorgeous stuff under one roof.
Get yourself a cup of tea, make sure it's nice and warm indoors and start browsing their webshop. I'm sure it'll keep you entertained for quite some time. Below a few of the pretty things they sell.


Brown * Black * White & Grey

Lately I keep finding beautiful pictures with loads of amazing items in that very shot. Watch these, so many pretty things that could inspire you. It sure inspired me.

Images: My Ideal Home


Inspiring & Industrial

With yesterday's blogpost I said I could so live there. But today I bumped into another amazing place at Design Attractor. How much fun it would be to swap from week to week?! Nah, I like to call one house my home and then again, I hate packing! Good thing we can search the net and daydream every now and then.


I could so live here

I was browsing My Ideal Home and found these beauties. I just found them randomly and I don't think they're all from one home. But I sure wouldn't mind living in a house with this type of interior. How about you? 


Sneak peek in Brooklyn

I found that there's so much to see in this Brooklyn loft. And that's what I love when you're at somebody else's place. That you feel your eyes need to work overtime because of all the prettiness. I think this loft looks really lived in, I really like that. It oozes coziness for sure.


Beauty from Patchwork Harmony

I think I don't need to say much right now.
Sometimes beauty can be so simple. It hardly costs anything, those gorgeous jars and bottles from Patchwork Harmony and you can even take a branch or flower from your own garden. And there you have it...beauty!


Today I love....

These pictures shot by the very talented photographer Thomas Popinger are just true eye candy. Hope you'll enjoy them as much as I do.


Let's stay in

I love this season! I love it when it becomes dark early, so I can light the candles. I love it when it gets colder, it gives me this extra cosy feeling. Yep, this must be my fave time of the year, interior-and fashion wise. Some inspirational pictures from one of my fave companies: House Doctor.


Today's inspiration

Just some beautiful pictures to celebrate November. I really do hope the temperature will soon be Autumn like, it's just too warm for this time of year. I want to wear my new winter coat and a wooly scarf.... :P Happy November everybody, let it be a good month!
Images: House to Home and  Aparat

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