
Be welcome *2012*

The last few hours of 2011 have arrived. It was such a lovely year with so many good memories. I'm looking very much forward to 2012. I'm having loads of plans and even more dreams... :D I hope to continue seeing you here and to gain some more followers. Thanks for reading and commenting, it's very much appreciated. Have a fun evening and the best New Year! 
Happy 2012!!
Image: Pinterest


She shoots and scores

She's from the US and very talented. She's Jennifer Causey, a photographer and a very inspirational one. She shoots the most beautiful pictures. I love the colours, the coziness they bring and in some pictures the calm. Pure beauty I'd say.


Swedish delight

Christmas is already in the past. Hope you've had a blast. I really enjoyed myself. It was the perfect Christmas spent with my lovey. Today some pictures from a lovely home in Sweden.

                       Images: Freshome


Wishing you a Merry Christmas

Herewith I'd like to wish you all an amazing Christmas! I hope you'll have the Christmas you were hoping for. Enjoy yourselves to the fullest and I'll be back after Christmas. HAVE FUN!! 

Images: Pinterest


Quirky X-mas shots from home

Just some Christmas shots from our home. Only four days left...
Have a lovely day everybody and lots of fun preparing whatever Christmassy.


In the mood for Christmas

Counting down really has started. This time next week it's Christmas. I really can't wait and that's why I collected a few pretty Christmas pictures. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. :D

                         Images: Pinterest                        


With a twist

I really do like Christmas trees, a lot. But this year I decided to take some branches and decorate those. And today VTWonen showed some more fun ways of how to make your home festive. Be inspired!


Winter love

Soon it'll be winter. And I must say I'm secretly looking forward to snow. No idea if we'll have some snow this year or maybe next, but how lovely it would be to have some snow again this Christmas?! That would be perfect right?! To wake up and see all this fresh snow.... I'm keeping my fingers crossed and in the meantime I'll drool over these cosy pictures.

                      Images: Pinterest


Our Christmas branches

I was really looking forward to get our Christmas decoration completely done. And yesterday was the day. My love, our dog and I had a nice stroll in the woods where I also collected some nice stuff like pinecones, pine branches, leaves and holly. We got ourselves some branches to decorate as well. After the walk home, we had some nice warm tea and then more fun could begin: decoration time! I'm really pleased with the way the branches turned out. It's really colourful and fits with the rest of our interior. 


Our living room

Today on my day off I felt like shooting some new pictures of our living room. In two of the pictures you'll see our new office floor lamp which we bought last week at Lil.nl. We're ever so happy with it as it makes the whole front room look so much cooler than before. This weekend I will decorate the room more Christmassy with branches, but so far I did a few things here and there. Oh and one of the pictures shows our little project: the bulletin board. Still looking out for more fun pictures to stick there. Enjoy the rest of your day. :D


Bright Christmas

Yep, made up my mind. It'll be Christmas branches this year. Branches with all our fave colours like green and blue, but also bits of white and silver. This weekend we're going to get some branches and I'm so looking forward to decorate them. Of course when finished and hopefully satisfied I'll put a few pictures of those Christmas branches on this blog. In the meantime some very bright and fun Christmas pictures that I took from Pinterest.


NEW header

YAY! I've got a new header! After over (only) 6 months of blogging my boyfriend made me a new header and changed the font of the header as well. We sat down tonight and we talked about what would be nice. And as I have a thing for owls, we (*cough*...he) came up with this. And I just love it! I think it looks much cooler and more me than the one before. Check them both below. THANX MY SWEETHEART! <3

Scandinavian love

This post doesn't need much introduction. I really like this Danish online magazine Bolig Magasinet. There's so much to see and so much to inspire you. I took these lovely pictures below from their site. If you don't know it yet, you really must take a look one day. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


Feeling blue & green

Our living room has got hints of grey, white, brown and black. But when you'll come in, the colours that stand out the most are blue and green. I will always love these colours, they look so joyful. Some inspirational pictures from Pinterest.

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