Mijn moeder had dat ook. Een ding met serviesgoed. Niet eens omdat je wat nodig heb omdat ondertussen zoveel is stuk gevallen. Nee gewoon, gewoon omdat het zo mooi is en gezellig staat. Op tafel maar ook in de kast. Mooie kopjes en schaaltjes met vrolijke kleurtjes in retro stijl. Helaas heb ik veel serviesgoed van mijn moeder weg gedaan. Serviesgoed wat ik nu wél heel leuk had gevonden. Maar tja, gedane zaken nemen geen keer. Dus kijk ik links en rechts op internet. En breng soms een bezoekje aan een kringloop winkel. Vooral dat laatste is best spannend, want wie weet staat er nu wel die mooie koffiepot of theepot die zo mooi in de kast met deurtjes van glas zal staan. Je hebt gewoon nooit genoeg van dit moois. ;D
My Mum was the same. She as well had a soft spot for pretty crockery. Not because you needed new ones. No, just because it looks pretty and cosy. On the table and in the cabinet. Cups and bowls with gorgeous bright colours, retro style. Unfortunately I don't own much of my Mum's crockery, I threw most of it away. A real shame because her crockery is really my taste right now. So now I keep browsing the net. Or pay a thrift shop a visit every now and then. Which is quite exciting because you never know what's there. Perhaps that cute coffeepot or teapot I'm still looking for. Which will look beautiful in the cabinet with the little glass doors. You just never have enough of crockery. ;P
Images: Pinterest
Colour of 2012
Het hoge woord is er uit, eventjes al.....de kleur van het jaar volgens Pantone is geworden: Tangerine Tango 17-1463. Vorig jaar was dat Honeysuckle, een mooie kleur rose. Maar nu is er gekozen voor een hele warme kleur oranje. Niet alleen in het interieur maar de kleur is ook veel terug te vinden voor kleding en accessoires. Leuk, want ik had al een beetje een oogje laten vallen op oranje. :D
They've decided. According to Pantone this year's colour is Pantone Tangerine Tango 17-1463. Last year's colour was called Honeysuckle, a beautiful pink shade. And this year they've choosen a gorgeus warm orange. Not only pretty for the interior but it's already been seen in the clothing industry as well. I already had my eye set on this colour, so yay...I'm pleased.
Images: Essie, Etsy, Pantone, Pinterest and Shopruche.
Images: Essie, Etsy, Pantone, Pinterest and Shopruche.
tangerine tango 17-1463
All colours unite
Ik zag ze en vond ze meteen leuk: de Honeycomb balls. Net even anders dan de papieren pom poms die ik iets te schattig vind voor ons interieur.Ik hoefde natuurlijk niet lang na te denken welke kleurtjes ik wilde. Meteen een mooie manier om wat meer geel en oranje in de woonkamer te krijgen. Er was een perfect plekje om ze hangen, daar was de muur toch nog wat leeg. En het staat echt heel vrolijk. Ze lijken me trouwens ook erg leuk voor in de gang....
When I saw them I liked them straight away: The Honeycomb balls. A bit different from the tissue pom poms which I think are a bit too cute for our interior. It didn't need much thought which colours I wanted. What a great way to add the new colours yellow and orange. We had the perfect spot to put them, a bit of an empty wall. It looks so much fun. Think they would look lovely in the hallway as well....
honeycomb balls,
Going Dutch and Orange & Yellow
Ja ik weet het nu zeker! Ik ga het in het Nederlands doen, of eigenlijk...óók in het Nederlands. Wat?! Nou, het schrijven op mijn blogje. Hoe heerlijk ik de Engelse taal ook vind, Nederlands blijft toch mijn moedertaal. De taal waarin ik mezelf het beste kan uitdrukken. En wat is nou echt een Nederlandse kleur? Oranje natuurlijk! Twee vliegen in één klap, dacht ik zo. ;P Wat ik laatst al zei: heb behoefte aan anders, aan heel veel dingen anders. En zo moest het interieur er aan geloven: meerdere kleuren. We hebben al een overload aan blauw en groentinten en die krijgen nu gezelschap van oranje maar ook van geel. Leuk, nieuw accessoires kopen en maken. Is zeker geen straf! :D
Yep, made up my mind. I will do it in Dutch as well. What?! Well, I've decided to write my posts in Dutch as well as in English. I'm a sucker for the English language but I think it's easier to express myself in Dutch as it is my mother language. And what's a real Dutch colour?! Orange, that's right! Like I said last week I'm in need for loads of changes. And I felt like adding more colour in our living room. We already have lots of greens and blues and now it's getting company of the orange plus the yellow colour. Now I'm on the look out for new accessories to make and buy and that's no punishment, no punishment at all! :D
Images: Pinterest
Yep, made up my mind. I will do it in Dutch as well. What?! Well, I've decided to write my posts in Dutch as well as in English. I'm a sucker for the English language but I think it's easier to express myself in Dutch as it is my mother language. And what's a real Dutch colour?! Orange, that's right! Like I said last week I'm in need for loads of changes. And I felt like adding more colour in our living room. We already have lots of greens and blues and now it's getting company of the orange plus the yellow colour. Now I'm on the look out for new accessories to make and buy and that's no punishment, no punishment at all! :D
Images: Pinterest
going Dutch,
living room,
Instant cosiness
I'm quite a homely person. As in I like to stay in, make it nice and cosy with my sweetheart rather than to go out. OK, I like going to concerts every now and then, or a movie or a bite to eat outdoors. But still, home is where the ♥ is, right?! And I love it when new people come to our home and compliment us on the house and how cosy it feels. That was my today's inspiration. And these pictures below gave me that instant cosy feeling. I'm positive that their entire houses from top to bottom will have that lovely vibe.
Images: Rather Nice
Images: Rather Nice
living room,
Do U see what I see?! « 2 »
Just like a few weeks ago another picture with so many things to see. I love all these pots hanging there and that little cabinet with all the books and colourful bowls. It just looks so incredibly cosy.
Have a lovely week everyone!
Image: Pinterest
Have a lovely week everyone!
Image: Pinterest
Porcelain ♥
I been having a thing for owls quite some time now. I think they're incredibly cute and witty. So my sweetheart made me really happy when he gave me this porcelain owl for my birthday last week. And even though we already have a dog and a lovebird (non porcelain, haha), I really don't mind having a few pets more. Knowing that, he threw in another amazing porcelain creature: A parrot. It's really pretty and I adore the delicate little flowers on his branch. This one's from &klevering, where they sell the most amazing things. And so my love for porcelein began. And when browsing Accessorize your Home their online shop I had to order this lovely jug and funny pudding mold, which I fell for immediately.
It's so much fun to add new things to your home!
It's so much fun to add new things to your home!
Accessorize your Home,
pudding mold
My style of fashion

I'm seriously in need for new clothes. That's why I ordered this hoodie from
Bonnie and Buttermilk the other day. It carries the fun name 'Penny Lane' and I can't wait to receive it.
If you like to wear retro style clothing, which means funky colour combinations and funny prints. And you are a fan of skirts,dresses,
hoodies and amazing t-shirts you should definitely take a look here.
Cute stuff
I feel quite blah lately. Don't be afraid, I'm not going to complain too much. It's just that I wish everything in my life could be different. Except from my sweetheart of course. The easiest thing for me to change right now is our interior. Been thinking of adding a few more colours to our living room. I've decided yellow for sure and perhaps warm orange and/or red as well. Zapping through the channels I got inspired by a Dutch TV show, GTST. I'm not a fan of this show, I must mention. But they had this storage Lego head as a flowerpot. I thought it was such fun idea, I had to have it. And I think it's so cute, don't you agree?! In the other pictures are a few new things in our home which I'm also very pleased with. :D
living room,
storage Lego head
Happy Valentine's Day
Today it's Valentines Day. Quite a commercial day really. But it doesn't need to be of course. I'd rather shower my love with pressies every other day, but still...it's a cute day. I feel blessed with my sweetheart, he's always there for me. <3 <3 <3
I wish you all the same, Happy Valentine's Day everybody!
I wish you all the same, Happy Valentine's Day everybody!

valentines day
I'd like to share some news. FUN news! First bit of news is that in the near future I'll be changing from blogspot to wordpress. I'm not too keen on blogspot anymore. It's been playing up quite often lately and there aren't as much opportunities to create as I would like. And as you may know my lovey is a creative creature on his Macbook and he offered me to build a new website. Something I couldn't say no to ofcourse. So here's the beginning of something new.
The other news bit is something that I'm very proud of. I got an AWARD!! The Liebster Blog Award. All thanks to Greta from VAN BINNEN. She got one herself which there for congratulations girl! And now I'm one of the lucky ones she passed it on to. Thanks!
And now I can pass it on to five blogs I love following. In random order I've choosen for these amazing blogs:
When you are given the award you:
* Can hand out the award to five blogs with less than 200 followers.
* Let the winners know with a message on their blog.
* On your blog you mention how you got the Liebster Blog Award and add a link of that very blog in a post.
Liebster Blog Award
Funky Finds
How much fun is it to unpack?! To unpack gifts like when I had my 35th birthday last week, or to just unpack stuff you ordered or bought yourself! And then to put it on the table, look at it and smile. Small things make me happy, like secondhand cups. Or things picked out and given by my sweetheart. To know he went shopping especially for you while it's not his fave way to spend his spare time. That thought makes me melt even though Valentines day is not til Tuesday... ;P
Anyways, more bout the lovely gifts later, below some treasures I found.
Anyways, more bout the lovely gifts later, below some treasures I found.
thrift shopping
Pretty pastels
How pretty does this interior look?! The furniture, the accessories and it's colours, I think it all looks so amazing and so well put together. You tend to think that pastel colours are more likely to look cute, a thing I'm not too keen of. But I must say it could easily be my thing. Love it, love it, love it. :D
This Swedish family home is definitely eye candy!
Images: Hus & Hem
Hus and Hem,
New residents
Lately it's a bit crowded in our home but luckily we have a few extra bedrooms. Don't want this weird couple staring at us at night.... :P
living room,
For the love of brick & industrial
It used to be a boiler room of a former rubber mill. And now they changed it in a wonderful home with lots of special features. I think they did an amazing job and I fell head over heels with all the gorgeous brick walls and all the industrial items.
Images: Apartment Therapy
boiler room,
living room
My head's been all over the place, still is... Lately I find it quite hard to relax and just not think for a few minutes. That's why I bought a sewing machine bout a month ago. I knew my way round a sewing machine as I had it in school ages ago. So now I really need to concentrate to get back in the saddle, lol. Which is good, it might help. I started off simple with a few pillowcases, two printed ones and an apple green one and I'm pleased with it. If you know any websites with cool and fun ideas what to make on a sewing machine, please let me know. Thanks!
sewing machine
Can this get any cuter?!
As you might know we have a dog named Bo. And he's not just any dog. He's a special dog for many reasons. But he's also a very spoilt dog. And we're to blame, but believe me, we really can't help it.... :P
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